What we Believe

We Believe…

… there is only one God

who created everything, controls everything, cares for everything
who shows us He exists through nature and conscience
who tells us about Himself in the Bible
who has revealed Himself as three distinct persons-Father, Son and Holy Spirit
who is the only True God among the gods of all religions

… there is only one reliable source of information

the Bible is unique
the Bible tells us all we need to know about God
the Bible tells us human existence is no accident
the Bible tells us God wants to be with us now and forever
the Bible tells us that to live with God forever we need to be perfect, sinless

… there is only one true faith

life with God is only possible by His grace because no one is perfect
Jesus Christ is true God and true man,
who lived a perfect life for us
who suffered and died on the cross for us
who rose from the dead and provided the only way for us to have life with God forever
all who admit their sinfulness and believe in Jesus as their one and only Saviour are counted holy in God’s eyes and receive eternal life
therefore, we want to lead a God-pleasing life
“God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son,
that whoever believes in Him should not perish,
but have eternal life. For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through Him.”
— John 3:16-17 (ESV)

The basis of all Lutheran teachings is the Bible. Martin Luther and the other reformers wrote a series of documents answering accusations that their teaching was contrary to commonly held beliefs and practices of the 15th century church. These defenses and arguments, based upon the Bible were presented before a series of theological gatherings. Eventually, they were compiled into The Book of Concord. These comprise the doctrine and confession of the Lutheran Church.


We Celebrate The Lord’s Supper Weekly

In God’s Word Jesus instituted a special meal for his followers.

A meal that he said was his body and blood, given and shed by him for the forgiveness of our sins and therefore to strengthen our daily walk with him.

By celebrating Holy Communion at the Trinity Lutheran Church Altar each individual is giving witness that:

I believe that Jesus Christ is my Saviour and Lord.

I have examined my life in the light of God’s Word, and have confessed my sinfulness to Him.

I believe that Christ’s body and blood are truly present, in a beautifully mysterious way, in, with and under the bread and the wine.

I believe that in this Sacrament God gives me the forgiveness of my sins.

I believe that by this meal God the Holy Spirit strengthens my faith and renews my life.

I resolve, in the power of the Holy Spirit, to amend my sinful ways.

We welcome to the Lord’s Table those who have been instructed in the Lutheran Church and who all are in full agreement with God’s Word about His Meal as outlined above. If you have any questions about receiving Holy Communion please speak with the Pastor.

Those who have not been instructed or hold a different confession than above are invited to come forward for a blessing while others commune. In doing so we ask you to please place your hands across your chest to indicate to the Pastor or assistant your desire to receive a blessing. In coming to the Table, if you are unable to kneel, please stand.


We Celebrate Holy Baptism

Jesus last recorded words in Matthew’s Gospel, before his ascension, were, “Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you and surely I am with you always, to the very end of the  age.”

All peoples no matter their age are a part of all nations. All peoples no matter their age are sinners from conception and in need of God’s forgiveness, life and salvation. Therefore infants, children, adults, seniors are ripe for the incredible gift of faith in what Jesus did for all upon the cross of Calvary to forgive all sin. In order to become a follower of Jesus, a Christian, one is Baptized with water (Baptize in Greek means “to wash”) and in the Name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. What happens? The individual is given by the Holy Spirit faith in Jesus who then calls other Christians to teach them all that Jesus has commanded. Why? Because Jesus said so in order for the person to grow up to maturity of faith and all along the way and there after be one who calls others to see their Saviour, Jesus the Christ.


If you are interesed in discussing any of these teachings or other issues please give me a call @ 780-743-3427 and let’s chat. One can not go wrong with coming to see just who Jesus is and to what lengths he has gone to save us all.