The Lutheran Hour

Trinity Lutheran Church is a Church of The Lutheran Hour one of the longest running radio programs in the world spreading the Good News about Jesus the Christ and what he has freely done for every single human being. The Lutheran Hour can be heard on The Bridge, FM 91.1 every Sunday morning beginning at 8am.

If ever you wish to discuss anything you’ve heard on the program please call me @ 780-743-3427 or if you live in the area allow me to treat you to a coffee with our discussion.

The Luthean Hour has relevant daily devotions to point each of us to the cross and therefore our strength in Jesus for each day.

Another of their programs is Lutheran Men’s Network. Though developed for guys the studies point all to the Truth.

There are many other programs and all available  via Lutheran Laymen’s League of Canada.

If I could point you to one particular study in 2017, this the 500th year of the Protestant Reformation, please check out A Man Named Martin – Parts 1,2,3. Why this one? It well shares the earthshaking spiritual change that occurred 500 years ago, yet as seismic and relevant today, when God used one little Monk to uncover the Good News of God’s salvation for all through faith in Jesus alone, found in Scripture alone and blessing all through God’s grace alone. Check it out by heading to the Lutheran Men’s Network link above or by downloading the free LHM Men’s NetWork App online.

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